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Yea Tigers under 15 win the Grand Final

Yea Tigers under 15 win the Grand Final

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Aug 29, 2024

IT was an anxious wait to see if the weather was going to hold off for the 15 and Under Netball Grand Final at King’s Park Seymour. The Tigers had won through and after a week of rest were looking forward to hitting the court again.

The Seymour Lions had been building all season and Yea knew that they were in a great position to challenge the Tigers. The Tigers starting line up consisted of seven of the players that will be moving on from juniors next year.

Elsie started as centre with Marley supporting as wing attack and the combination of Sophie and Maya in the goals. The Tigers were quick to score and shot off to an early lead. Ella in wing defence worked with Sienna and Flynn who were defending in the goals to keep the Lions score to four for the first quarter.

Scores at quarter time were Tigers 12 to Lions 4.

Some minor changes saw Jemma step into centre in the second quarter and Yea welcomed back Micayla as wing defence after a lengthy period of injury.

Coach Megan cleverly used her rolling substitutions this quarter to keep the Tigers fresh and the pace up. Lily also had some time in wing defence.

The rolling combination of Sophie, Marley and Maya in the goals saw the Tigers score the most amount of goals for the game in this quarter. Sophie managed to score the goal of the season when she saved the ball from going out of court while shooting a goal in the same movement.

Yea’s combination of defenders in the wing with Sienna and Flynn in goals, held the Lions to another relatively low scoring quarter. Scores at quarter time were…

by Kelly Harris

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