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Sunny weather for cattle sales at Yea

Sunny weather for cattle sales at Yea

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Sep 12, 2024

FRIDAY, September 6 saw large crowds and a decent amount of cattle at the Yea Saleyards as a result of the warm spring sunshine.

There were 3300 cattle yarded, with barely any empty stalls during the sale. Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions were the agents for the day.

In terms of the market trends, Will Phillips from Elders Yea reported that the market trend was firm to dearer across all categories, light Angus heifers improving the most. Angus feeder steers 450 to 600 kilograms made 390 to 430c/kg. Lighter steers that went back to the paddock made 390 to 480c/kg, depending on quality.

Heifers weighted 350kg plus were 320 to 370c/kg, to feed or to join. Lighter heifers made 340 to 400c/kg for Angus and 290 to 330c/kg for colours. Cows and calves topped at $2080.

Yea and District Memorial Hospital, in partnership with the Murrindindi Shire Council and the Yea Saleyards Committee of Management, provided free mental health education and suicide awareness on the day. Goulburn Valley Suicide Awareness Group were also present on the day, promoting suicide awareness and their walk on Sunday, September 8.

Upcoming events at the Yea Saleyards include…

Image: The agents and auctioneers presented the cattle in a quick but knowledgeable fashion.

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