News Article
FRIENDS of Kellock and the Alexandra Quilters have joined forces to make a difference for Kellock Lodge residents.
The idea was born out of Kellock Lodge CEO Tania Hunter’s desire to aesthetically enhance the look and feel of each resident’s ensuite and at the same time continue to minimise the impact of plastic on the planet by continuing to minimise Kellock Lodge’s use of plastic bags.
The Friends of Kellock and Alexandra Quilters Association answered the call and joined together to make 62 individual sturdy cloth laundry hamper bags for the residents of Kellock Lodge.
Over two Saturdays, 20 ladies got together, cutting, sewing, threading cord and embroidering room numbers on each laundry hamper bag, finishing with a quality control check of each bag.
Thanks go to Jan Fallon, President, and Veronica Hendrickson, Friends of Kellock for their co-ordination of the exercise, also to Penny Jungalwalla from the Friends of Kellock and Rosemary Magor from the Alexandra Quilters Association who spear headed the exercise.
Rosemary Magor designed the laundry hamper bag, and Friends of Kellock donated and purchased the fabric and cord.
Rosemary machine embroidered resident room numbers using variegated thread on each laundry hamper bag.
A huge thank you to Rosemary Magor for her knowledge, planning and executing this mammoth task.
Thanks also go to Marlene Answer-Lewis from Redgate Quilting for…
Image: Director of Nursing at Kellock Lodge Daniel Oliveri (DON), Kellock CEO Tania Hunter, Rosemary Magor from the Alexandra Quilters Association, Penny Jungalwalla from Friends of Kellock and Kellock Manager of Corporate Service Maria Price.
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