News Article
THE tender process for the 99 year lease on operating Lake Mountain and/or Lake Baw Baw closed on Friday, February 7.
Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV) was asked how many tenders were received, and how the community will be consulted over the tenders.
They were also asked what will happen to the mountain if no suitable operators are found.
In a third attempt to obtain an answer, they were also asked about the Alpine Resorts Leasing Policy, where the only way that alpine leases longer than 51 years can be granted is if there are exceptional circumstances and if the capital outlay is greater than $8 million.
Yet again, they were asked: What are the exceptional circumstances?
Is the capital outlay spread across both mountains, if there is a lease of the two mountains combined?
Was there any commercial interest which led to the decision to put out the EOIs?
How and when will/were community be consulted over the planned lease of the Crown land site?
Are you able to outline the benefit to the local community? What will happen to the mountains if no leasee is found?
What will happen to the funds raised from the sale of the lease?
Amber Gardner, CEO, Alpine Resorts Victoria, responded, “The Expression of Interest process has garnered a good level of interest and once all options are assessed we will work with the potential new lease holder on community consultation and potential benefits for the local economy.
“We want to make sure as many Victorians as possible can enjoy our great outdoors, and ensure our natural assets meet the needs of Victorians and those who come from across the globe to visit them.”
They provided the following as background information: The Victorian Government will…
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