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If you’re a casual, you need to sign up for the Sick Pay Guarantee

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Jun 10, 2022

THE Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee gives casual workers five days (38 hours) each year of sick and carers pay, however casual workers need to apply for the Sick Pay Guarantee scheme before they get sick.

You can apply for the scheme if you have the right to work in Australia, you’re 15 or older, you go to work in Victoria, you’re working an average of 7.6 hours or more each week in at least one eligible job and you have no access to sick or carer’s leave across any job.

If you’re under 18, you’ll need your parent or guardian’s consent when making a claim. This means your parent or guardian will need to agree to the terms and conditions of the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee.

It is recommended that if you are a business owner and you employ casual staff, have a conversation with casuals about registering for the scheme now before it is needed as you aren’t eligbile for it on the spot.

Eligible jobs in the first phase include hospitality workers, food trades workers and food preparation assistants, supermarket workers, retail and sales assistants, aged and disability care workers, cleaners and laundry workers and security guards.

If you are self employed, sole trader or freelancer you may also be eligible for the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee.

This Australian first initiative will run for two years and payments are made at the national minimum wage which is $20.33 per hour.

To apply for the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee visit

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