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Emergency Services Community Engagement Day coming up in Yea

Emergency Services Community Engagement Day coming up in Yea

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Sep 23, 2024

The Emergency Services Community Engagement Day is set to be held in conjunction with the Yea Railway Market on Saturday, October 5.

Paul Stanley, Yea Group Officer and Captain of the Limestone CFA Brigade, said it started with the CFA and the police and the Yea Community House. They discussed how Yarck usually does a community engagement day, however the Yarck day is different to the one being planned for Yea.

They approached all of the emergency services, including Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, the State Emergency Service, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Emergency Management Victoria, the Bureau of Meteorology and Forest Fire Management.

“So every man and his dog is going be there,” Paul said.

The event is being held on market day in Yea, but instead of having around 40 stalls, they’re aiming for around 60 stalls for the October market.
The community engagement day will start at 8 or 9am and run until 4pm. There will be talks at the event on fire preparedness, as well as talks from Ambulance Victoria and others. UGFM will also be broadcasting the event from their mobile station.

They are hoping that the community engagement day draws people from across the shire, not just people from Yea.

Paul explained that the event is for everybody. “We’re once again thinking that it’s going to be a bad fire season. I know we say it every year, but 2009 will come around again. A couple of Mondays ago there was 120 fires burning in NSW, with 10 out of control.

He added, “We always plan for the plan for the worst hope for the best. People need to be prepared. Yea’s been impacted by various weather associated events as well in recent years.”

Paul said, “Each service will have a display and everyone will be talking about what their service does and how they can help people during especially catastrophic days.”

He wants people to know what to do if a…


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