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Celebrating 10 years of the Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre

The Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre has now been open for 10 years.

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Aug 23, 2024

THE Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre celebrated its 10th year of operation on Wednesday, August 14 at a function at the centre.

Over 60 attendees including representatives from Murrindindi Shire Council led by Mayor Damian Gallagher and attended by many of the Volunteers who have strongly supported the mantra of providing friendly knowledgeable tourism information covering shirewide attractions and accommodation. Apologies were received from Dr Helen Haines MP, Independent Federal Member for Indi, and Cindy McLeish MP State Member for Eildon who were both attending their respective sittings of parliament.

The Chair of the Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre Association Inc. Don Knight in his address, described the genesis of the centre driven by Russell Wealands and his supporters to provide an environmental tourism attraction and associated education centre based on the Yea Wetlands and the importance of water.

The $1.9 million dollar construction was funded though the state government complimented by a $250,000 contribution by the Yea community managed by the Yea Wetlands Trust who continue to support the centre and wetlands environment.
Mr Knight commented this was a truly remarkable community contribution to establish Yea as the gateway to the many shire attractions and to honour the vision of Russell Wealands.

The centre is managed by a not-for-profit incorporated body and two Murrindindi Shire Council staff members who manage day to day operations including a cohort of approximately 40 volunteers.

The centre was awarded the RACV Best New Business Tourism Award in 2015 a testament to the staff Julie Blyth and Pauline Roberts who worked tirelessly to establish an operation from scratch establishing operational procedures and extensive volunteer training to win this accolade.

Mr Knight made acknowledgement of Murrindindi Shire Council for their support to successfully operate the centre and in particular the timely effort with recovery works in the Wetlands following the two flood events in 2022 and 2024.

The closure of the wetland’s precinct impacts on the viability of the centre and tourism numbers as experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to the pandemic, the centre attracted 30,000 visitors from all states and overseas and the warm friendly service has attracted many complimentary remarks in the visitor book and on social media.

Visitor numbers are recovering inspired by social media activity and Melburnians seeking attractions within easy reach.

The Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre is well patronised through its group tour program of the wetlands led by volunteers and an ever-increasing schools program dovetailing with their curriculum to present programs based on water and the environment.

The well-equipped meeting room is also made available to various corporate groups and community organisations.

The retail component has been the source of funds to meet the expenses associated with operating the facility.

Acknowledgement was made of the volunteer input to managing this aspect of operations.

Pauline Roberts, Visitor Services Officer, in her address acknowledged…

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