Category: Uncategorized

Friday’s Black Spur filming

Friday’s Black Spur filming

LOCAL residents driving on the Black Spur section of the Maroondah Highway on Friday, July 21 faced delays of up to 20 minutes while filming took place for a television series. There were concerns that drivers hadn’t been advised that delays were possible. Contacted about the issue, a Department of Transport and Planning spokesperson said, […]

How have the generations of aged care residents changed?

How have the generations of aged care residents changed?

JO Forrest, Director of Nursing at Darlingford and Upper Goulburn Nursing Home, started working in the aged care industry in about 2010, not directly employed but as a lecturer in Nursing and took students into aged care facilities. As a result, she had a good knowledge of what was happening in aged care and the […]

Bilby craftsman Ernie hoping to pass the baton

Bilby craftsman Ernie hoping to pass the baton

AFTER a decade of crafting wooden bilbies to raise money for children being treated for cancer at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Ernie Hunt needs to pass the baton. Mr Hunt is 84 and his eyesight is failing, so he needs someone to take over making the wooden toys, the sale of which has so […]

Native timber forestry to end January 1, 2024

Native timber forestry to end January 1, 2024

THE Victorian Government has announced that native timber forestry will cease in Victoria on January 1, 2024, with additional transition support for timber workers, sawmill operators and their communities announced in the state budget. The additional $200 million in support for workers and their families to transition away from native timber logging brings the government’s total […]

Are there really big cats in Australia?

Are there really big cats in Australia?

Photo: A black panther in India by David V Raju BIG cat researcher Bernard Mace from Toolangi became interested in whether big cats are in the Australian wilderness at a very young age. His father was a bomber command veteran from World War II and had witnessed pumas being brought into the country by US […]

When Jacko the lion escaped in Alexandra

When Jacko the lion escaped in Alexandra

LONGTIME locals may remember a very strange event which occurred on August 17, 1975. A lion escaped from a circus during a performance at the Alexandra Football Ground. Ray Mathieson was the acting police sergeant at the time, as the regular sergeant was on holidays. Ray recently explained the events which took place. The circus […]

Lifesavers to patrol Lake Eildon on Australia Day

Lifesavers to patrol Lake Eildon on Australia Day

LIFESAVERS will patrol inland waterways to coincide with the Australia Day public holiday when thousands of Victorians will flock to their favourite swimming spots, following a spate of drownings in rivers, lakes and dams. The likelihood of drowning in Victoria increases by more than two-thirds on a public holiday and Life Saving Victoria has identified […]

How do you vote if you have COVID-19?

How do you vote if you have COVID-19?

THE Victorian election is on Saturday, November 26, but this election may have challenges for people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19? How do you cast your vote if you’ve missed the postal voting deadline? The Victorian Electoral Commission are offering a COVIDSafe drive-through service in Melton West for people who aren’t comfortable entering a […]

Fencing and rye grass relief convoy to flood-impacted farmers

Fencing and rye grass relief convoy to flood-impacted farmers

ON Thursday, December 8, local charity Rapid Relief Team (RRT) will lead a convoy of trucks into Yea, Victoria, carrying ryegrass seed and wire fencing to donate to farmers. The flood relief convoy, part of the RRT’s Farmers Community Connect (FCC) event, is carrying wire fencing and ryegrass seed for farmers impacted by the recent […]

Murrindindi Shire Council has a new mayor

Murrindindi Shire Council has a new mayor

ON Wednesday, November 16, Murrindindi Shire Council met to elect a new mayor and deputy mayor for the next 12 months. The roles went to Cr John Walsh and Cr Karine Haslam, respectively. Cr John Walsh was pleased to be elected as mayor and re-affirmed his commitment to improving Murrindindi Shire. “I’m very honoured by […]

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