The CDS is processing an average of around 10 million cans, cartons, and bottles across the state every week, with Victorians returning an average of 129 containers per transaction. In the Murrindindi Shire the CDS locations are Kinglake, Yea and Eildon. The Eildon CDS which is located behind Nanny Jans Emporium at 3-4A main street […]
Category: Uncategorized
Yea paramedic a world class ironman
AFTER an amazing performance in her last Ironman event, Ambulance Victoria Acting Yea Team Manager, Jacqui Graham, is set to compete in the 2024 Ironman World Championship later this year. Ms Graham completed the Ironman Western Australia last month, coming third in her age group and securing a place in the World Championship. The Ironman […]
Vale Gail Marie Dacey
ON Thursday, December 21, Gail Marie Dacey passed away at the age of 65 after a battle of ovarian cancer. Gail lived in the Murrindindi Shire for over two decades, and apart from her deep love for her family, especially her grandchildren, Gail found her place in life working behind the scenes for Department of […]
Bagpipes and tartan at the Yea Art Show
THE 38th annual Rotary Club of Yea Art Show opened with a flourish of bagpipes and tartan on Thursday evening with one of the best opening night crowds ever. It was wonderful to have so much support. The bagpipes played by Rotarian Lachie Cooper, together with his brother Callam and his dad Jim, were an […]
Australia Day honours
Ross Sullivan CFA Deputy Chief Officer (DCO) Ross Sullivan was recognised in the Australia Day Honours, receiving an Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) for his more than 45 years of dedicated service to CFA and his community. Throughout his career Ross Sullivan AFSM has exemplified the values of CFA and is well regarded by volunteers […]
A trucking emergency for firefighters
THERE’S a big difference between roadworthy and safe when it comes to the vehicles used for fighting fires. Older vehicles don’t have, for example, ABS brakes, hill start assist or air bags, and in some cases in the shire, firefighters are expected to sit on the back of trucks, in the open air, while travelling […]
Important meeting about MiRa
MARYSVILLE Triangle Business and Tourism (MTBT) are holding an AGM on September 24 at 4pm at MiRa. The meeting could have significant impacts on the future of tourism and the arts in the local area, and people with an interest are encouraged to attend. New office-holders will need to be elected, given the president and […]
Local basketballers to visit USA for games
THREE local basketballers, two from Alexandra and one from Yarck, are soon to head off to the United States, and they need your support. Bowen McCarthy, Jesse King and Fletcher McCarthy all went to primary school and secondary college in Alexandra. The mother of two of the boys, Eliza McCarthy, explained that they all played […]
Trumpets sound as the Yea Wetlands re-open
AFTER some serious repairs and refurbishment, the Yea Wetlands have now reopened. The wetlands are a significant tourist destination for the Murrindindi region and an important asset to the local community. They were considerably impacted by the flood event in October 2022. Don Knight, chairperson of Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre, said it was disappointing to […]
Lake Eildon to be as full as possible in lead-up to spring
GOULBURN Murray Water, in partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) and Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) held a joint webinar to provide information regarding the upcoming forecast for the region, how Lake Eildon and Waranga Basin are managed, floodplain management plans and studies, the GBCMA flood portal, flood preparedness […]