
Silver Spoon playoff and Saturday Stableford in Yea

Silver Spoon playoff and Saturday Stableford in Yea Yea golf

DI Elliott and Jo Clayton faced off to decide who would represent Yea Golf Club in the State Final of the Silver Spoon later in the year. Di held on to record a narrow win in what proved to be a very close and tight tussle. The club offers their congratulations to Di and wish […]

Emergency Services Community Engagement Day coming up in Yea

Emergency Services Community Engagement Day coming up in Yea Emergency Services Community Engagement Day coming up in Yea

The Emergency Services Community Engagement Day is set to be held in conjunction with the Yea Railway Market on Saturday, October 5. Paul Stanley, Yea Group Officer and Captain of the Limestone CFA Brigade, said it started with the CFA and the police and the Yea Community House. They discussed how Yarck usually does a […]

Foundation Murrindindi Trivia Night in support of food share program

Foundation Murrindindi Trivia Night in support of food share program Foundation Murrindindi Trivia Night in support of food share program

THE Foundation Murrindindi Trivia Night was held on the evening of Saturday, September 14, with 115 people in attendance. An amazing 529 items of food were donated on the night. This will have a hugely positive impact on the foundation’s Murrindindi Food Share program. In addition, all of the funds raised also go to the […]

Start of the season for Flowerdale barefoot bowls

Start of the season for Flowerdale barefoot bowls flowerdale bowl

FLOWERDALE Sports Club had their first barefoot bowls session of the summer season alongside regular tennis games. The club has recently given fresh life to their bowling greens, and has plans for many more activities to be centred in the Flowerdale Recreation Reserve. Club secretary, Craig Green, spoke about how the club is trying to […]

Kids Teaching Kids at the Yea Wetlands

Kids Teaching Kids at the Yea Wetlands Kids Teaching Kids at the Yea Wetlands

THE annual event for primary school children, Kids Teaching Kids, took place in perfect weather at the Yea Wetlands on Tuesday, September 3. Organiser Zanni Waldstein explained that each school picks a different topic to focus on and that follows their own interests or priorities, or what is relevant in their area, and they work […]

A walk to remember

A walk to remember Walk to remember

GOULBURN Valley Suicide Awareness Group (GVSAG) held their fourth annual suicide walk for people affected by suicide. Yea Rotary Member David Anderson emceed the event, Aunty Angela Ten Buuren spoke of the smoking ceremony that was to take place before the walk commenced. She spoke of how smoking ceremonies are cleansing and have healing properties. […]

Sunny weather for cattle sales at Yea

Sunny weather for cattle sales at Yea Sunny weather for cattle sales at Yea

FRIDAY, September 6 saw large crowds and a decent amount of cattle at the Yea Saleyards as a result of the warm spring sunshine. There were 3300 cattle yarded, with barely any empty stalls during the sale. Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions were the agents for the day. In terms of the market trends, Will […]

September rally brings fun and excitement to pony club

September rally brings fun and excitement to pony club September rally brings fun and excitement to pony club

SEPTEMBER was a fantastic month for the Alexandra Pony Club, with an action-packed rally that left everyone smiling. Riders had a blast with lessons from both Louise Bayly-Jones and Nicky Embling. Nicky led some fun jumping lessons, setting up an intricate and challenging set of exercises that was perfect for all horse and rider combinations. […]

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