Our Team

Celina Mott


After gaining her Bachelor in Civil Engineering qualifications in 2001, Celina built on her experience at Hyder Consulting in finance and traffic engineering before establishing herself in the finance department of technology giant Seagate in the Netherlands.

Returning to Melbourne, Celina took over property management concerns for two commercial buildings, one of which she was responsible for overseeing the redevelopment, before negotiating their sale.

Celina has been overseeing the management of Alexandra Newspapers since 2011 when the Mott family became the owners.

Karen started working part-time with Alexandra Newspapers in October 2009 as an inserter when the Hayes and Smith families owned The Alexandra Standard and The Yea Chronicle, this progressed to sports editing and writing the occasional editorial article and helping out in reception.

When the Mott family, took over in 2014 she moved into accounts and became full-time manager, during this time Karen also filled in as General Manager for our sister publications in Kilmore and became a director in 2017.

Karen has worked in all aspects of the newspaper since commencing, writing, photography, proof-reading, commercial printing, reception, advertising, sports reporting and more. She knows her way around our newspapers. She has seen some incredible staff come and go over the years.

It gave Karen a great thrill to be able to be part of The Alexandra Standard reaching 150 years old in 2018, one of the oldest community newspapers still running and she is confident the papers will see another 150 years of production.

Anne is a former screen industry journalist who moved to Murrindindi in 2016 to take up the role of editor at The Alexandra Standard and The Yea Chronicle.

She is always keen to hear from members of the community with a story to tell. If there is something you are keen to let the community know about, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Where disputes arise in the community, she is always willing to hear both sides of the story and present the information so readers can make up their own minds.

During her tenure, the newspapers have won VCPA awards for Overall Newspaper Excellence, Journalism, a Social Media award and a Best Photography award.

Melinda Pullen

Community Reporter

Melinda is an avid photographer who started with Alexandra Newspapers in April 2022. With a background in administration, photography and editing. Her original role at The Standard and The Yea Chronicle was event photographer, but her love for reading and writing also came into fruition and she is now a Community Reporter.

Melinda has lived in Murrindindi since 2003 and loves the sense of community the area has and how it’s a great place to raise a young family.

If there is an event in the area, you will most likely see Melinda out and about representing the Alexandra Newspapers and making sure the event is well documented for the readers of this long running community newspaper.

Ray Steyger

Assistant Catalogue Inserter

Ray commences work at 7 am each Wednesday and assists other staff to insert catalogues into the Alexandra Standard and Yea Chronicle newspapers.

Ray works on an as needs basis on Mondays and puts the assorted catalogues together, ready for Wednesday inserting into the respective papers.

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