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The Alexandra Fire Brigade- The start

The Alexandra Fire Brigade- The start

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Oct 11, 2024

ON Monday, February 2, 1874, the brigade conducted its first monthly meeting with Captain Radford Huddle as officer in charge, in excess of 20 members attended.

To this day, the Alexandra Urban Fire Brigade still conducts its meetings on the same day each month, the first Monday, with monthly meetings having been conducted continuously since 1874.

A few months later in May 1874 the main street again suffered when another outbreak of fire caused the loss of additional buildings, however, reports indicate the formation of a fire brigade, with discipline, expertise and training, paid dividends as this fire was contained after a prolonged battle.

There had, however, been some problems as Captain Huddle and three members resigned immediately after the incident.

Regular training for members had commenced and records indicate a common drill was for the fireman to don their new red uniforms, form up and march to the racecourse where a member climbed a tree and others then had to supply continuous supply of water, using buckets, to the top of the tree.

By June 1874, Maurice Raphael, local real estate agent and auctioneer, had become captain. Raphael had been a member of the Ballarat Brigade earlier and is credited mostly of the early development.

He was also involved in many other local organisations. Sadly, he died, aged 46 in 1877. His tombstone at the Alexandra cemetery indicated his parents names as Phillip and Elizabeth and he had 17 brothers and sisters.

In the years that followed the brigade prospered and towards the turn of the century the members of the Alexandra Brigade became involved in the…

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