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80 years of serving the community

Buxton CFA 80 years

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Apr 19, 2024

THE Buxton Country Fire Authority (CFA) Brigade will soon celebrate its 80th birthday, creating the perfect time for a look back at their past.

The Buxton Fire Brigade formed in 1944, being mentioned in passing and an advert in the Alexandra and Yea Standard.

“Buxton Bush Fire Brigade, requesting council to have fireplace at Cerberus Creek removed.

Fireplace considered a safety measure,” one article from the newspaper said.

“Buxton Bush Fire Brigade – Dance at Buxton. Friday, Dec 1. Zig Zag Orchestra. Admission 3/,” another advert read.

These short snippets show that the Buxton Fire Brigade was in operation at the time, and was both recognised by, and involved with, the local community.

The Bush Fire Brigades Committee of Victoria issued certificate of registration number 588 to the Buxton Bush Fire Brigade on February 25, 1944, marking the official start of the brigade.

Following a Royal Commission in 1939 that recommended a single firefighting entity for country Victoria, the Buxton brigade joined the CFA, with the Bush Fire Brigades, Country Fire Brigades, and Forest Commission, all merging together under the one banner on April 2, 1945.

Maurice Keppel was elected captain, and held this position for 19 years, until his untimely passing.

Despite the brigade being situated in the Healesville Shire, firefighting region 13, they participated…..

Image: Buxton CFA facebook page

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